Body Composition Scan

Body Composition Analysis

The Body composition analysis is one of the most effective ways to measure health and longevity. It gives you great insight into your health and can be used to measure your progress toward your personal goals. Here’s what body composition analysis is and how it can be used to your benefit. 

How Does a Bioimpedance Test Work?


This test uses a small electrical current to measure your body composition by way of your body water. It gives a lot of information about your body, beyond just body fat percentage, and can usually be done without the help of a trained technician. A BIA will quantify your muscle mass, fat mass, hydration status, and cellular integrity.

Why Measure Your Body Composition? 


Knowing your body composition, and understanding what these numbers mean, is a great place to start if you’re looking to make some changes or improvements to your physical health. 


We perform BIA during initial client assessments (£99 donation applies), to help create the best meal plan and health strategies tailored just for you. Subsequent BIA testing is typically done every 4-6 weeks to help determine the effectiveness of your nutrition and fitness programming and make timely adjustments accordingly. 


Remember that physical activity goes hand in hand with nutrition when setting and achieving your health goals. The GOD'S PLAN Diet & Lifestyle program may be the perfect fit to help you look and feel better, have more energy, and jumpstart better eating habits, to support your body composition goals.

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